Oncometopia nigricans Walker 1851b: 783
Description & Identification
Large, robust species. male 10.8—11.6 mm., female 11.8—12.2 mm. (Nielson, 1968)General color deep tan to black. Crown and pronotum deep tan to black with dark reticulations; elytra bluish to black, veins brown to black. (Nielson, 1968)Pygofer in lateral aspect about as long as wide, caudal margin broadly convex, ventral margin with short spine arising from base and extending posteriorly; aedeagus in lateral aspect with prominent, curved elongate spine arising ventrally; aedeagal shaft recurved, narrow basally with sides parallel and somewhat truncate apically, pair of processes arising laterally from each side of ventral base in dorsal aspect and single process arising from middle of aedeagal shaft in ventral aspect; style in dorsal aspect simple, bluntly truncate distally; female seventh sternum in ventral aspect with caudal margin trilobed. (Nielson, 1968)This species is similar to orbona and can be separated by the long slender process on the ventral surface of the posterior part of the aedeagal shaft.(Nielson 1968)
Biology & Ecology
Unknown. (Nielson, 1968)
Common Names (full list)
Source: Catalogue of Life
Additional Images
Images provided by GBIF data providers. We cannot verify that identifications are correct.
Worldwide Distribution
This species occurs in Florida and South America. (Nielson, 1968)
Vector Status
Economic Crops
According to Pollard (personal communication), this species is a vector of phony peach disease virus in Georgia, where two positive cases of transmission were obtained. No details of the transmission tests are yet available, but this information may appear prior to publication of this bulletin.(Nielson 1968)The importance of this vector is not yet known.(Nielson 1968)
Plant Diseases
EFSA, 2019.
Pest categorisation of non-EU Cicadomorpha vectors of Xylella spp.
Redak et. al., 2004.
The Biology of Xylem Fluid-Feeding Insect Vectors Of Xylella fastidiosa and Their Relation to Disease Epidemiology
EFSA, 2019.
Pest categorisation of non-EU Cicadomorpha vectors of Xylella spp.
EFSA, 2019.
Pest categorisation of non-EU Cicadomorpha vectors of Xylella spp.
EFSA, 2019.
Pest categorisation of non-EU Cicadomorpha vectors of Xylella spp.