Metcalfa pruinosa (Say)
Melormenis pruinosa (Say, 1830)
Ormenis pruinosa (Say, 1830)
Poeciloptera pruinosa (Say, 1830)
Poeciloptera prumosa Dohrn, 1859
Common Names (full list)
Source: Catalogue of Life
Source: Catalogue of Life
Source: TAXREF
Source: Catalogue of Life
Source: Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register
Source: Checklist of Vermont Species
Source: Martha's Vineyard species checklist
Source: Checklist of Vermont Species
Source: Martha's Vineyard species checklist
Source: TAXREF
Additional Images
Images provided by GBIF data providers. We cannot verify that identifications are correct.
Worldwide Distribution
Vector Status
Plant Diseases
Bressan, A., Larrue, J., Boudon-Padieu, E. 2006. Patterns of phytoplasma-infected and infective Scaphoideus titanus leafhoppers in vineyards with high incidence of Flavescence dorée. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 119: 61-69
Carraro, L., Ferrini, F., Martini, M., Ermacora, P., Loi, N. 2008. A serious epidemic of Stolbur on Celery. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90(1): 131-135
Danielli, A., Bertaccini, A., Vibio, M., Mori, N., Murari, E., Posenato, P., Girolami, V. 1996. Detection and molecular characterization of phytoplasmas in the planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera: Flatidae). Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 35: 62-65
Danielli, A., Bertaccini, A., Vibio, M., Mori, N., Murari, E., Posenato, P., Girolami, V. 1996. Detection and molecular characterization of phytoplasmas in the planthopper Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) (Homoptera: Flatidae). Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 35: 62-65
Carraro, L., Ferrini, F., Ermacora, P., Loi, N., Martini, M., Osler, R. 2004. Macropsis mendax as a vector of elm yellows phytoplasma of Ulmus species. Plant Pathology, 53: 90-95
Chireceanu, C., Cieslinska, M. 2013. Molecular characterization of `Candidatus Phytoplasma mali` and `Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri` isolates from Romania. In: Abstract Book of COST Action FA0807, Integrated Management of Phytoplasma Epidemics in different crop systems. Final Meeting, Portugal, Lisbon, 2013, pp. 33-34
* Citations of Phytoplasma occurrance in Metcalfa pruinosa (Say) have been exctracted from the database of Hemiptera-Phytoplasma-Plant (HPP) biological interactions worldwide (Valeria Trivellone. (2019). Hemiptera-Phytoplasma-Plant dataset (v1.2) [Data set]. Zenodo.