Cicadulina parazeae Ghauri 1961a: 369
Description & Identification
Small, fragile species. Length of male 1.80—2.00 mm., female 1.90—2.40 mm. (Nielson, 1968)General color light tan. Crown light tan with two distinct round black spots on anterior margin near mesal margin of eye; pronotum light reddish tan; elytra light reddish tan, translucent.(Nielson, 1968)This species, closely related to zeae, can be separated by the short pygofer process with a dorsal spine.(Nielson 1968)
Biology & Ecology
Little is known on the biology of this species. It infests maize and grasses growing around maize fields. Rose (personal communication) reported it from perennial grasses such as Katamboura rhodesgrass. It was sometimes the dominant species on irrigated maize crops. In life-cycle studies, nymphs appeared 3 weeks after caging adults on maize. Adults developed in about 3 weeks after becoming nymphs and were long lived. Eggs were laid in leaf tissue parallel to the veins. (Nielson, 1968)
Worldwide Distribution
It is known only from Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Ghauri in 1961 (307) recorded it from Southern Rhodesia, and D. J. W. Rose (personal communication) from Salisbury, Rhodesia, said it was present in the high veld areas in Rhodesia. (Nielson, 1968)
Vector Status
Economic Crops
This species is a vector of maize streak virus in Rhodesia. Ghauri in 1961 (307) reported it as a vector in his description of the species after receiving the specimens and information from D. J. W. Rose. In my correspondence with Dr. Rose, he stated that transmission of the virus was obtained from diseased plants to healthy maize and wheat. No details of the virus transmission experiments were given.(Nielson 1968)This species is considered of some importance in the natural spread of this virus in Rhodesia.(Nielson 1968)
Plant Diseases
Nielson, M. W. 1968b. The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission.