Aceratagallia longula van Duzee

Basionym: ? longula Van Duzee, 1894
Published in: Van Duzee, E.P. (1894b) New North American Homoptera. -- No. VII. The Canadian Entomologist, 26, 89–93.

Description & Identification

Small, somewhat linear species. male 3.55—3.75 mm., female 3.55—4.00 mm. (Nielson, 1968)General color light brown to tan. Vertex with two distinct dark round spots; pronotum light brown; elytra with broken markings along commissure and claval veins.(Nielson, 1968)Pygofer in lateral aspect about 11/3 times longer than wide, caudal margin strongly produced posteriorly at about middle to large broadly angled lobe; 10th segment with pair of long, straight spines directed posteroventrad along inside of caudal submargin of pygofer; aedeagus in lateral aspect simple, basal half of shaft broad, apical half tubelike, curved laterally at apex; gonopore terminal; style in dorsal aspect with sides of distal half parallel, inner margin coarsely serrate, prominent, sharp, subapical spine on outer margin; female 7th sternum in ventral aspect with caudal margin truncate and slight1y sinuate. (Nielson, 1968)This species, similar to sanguinolenta, can be distinguished by the style with its short subapical spine.(Nielson 1968)

Biology & Ecology

The biology of this species is unknown. According to Oman in 1933 [576], it is primarily a mountain form and apparently nothing definite is known about its hosts. (Nielson, 1968)


van Duzee


? longula Van Duzee, 1894
Ceratagallia longula (Van Duzee, 1894)

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Worldwide Distribution

It is distributed in the Western United States and has been recorded from California, Nevada, Oregon, and Utah (Oman 1933) [576]. Downes (219) recorded it from British Columbia. (Nielson, 1968)

North America

Distribution point data provided by GBIF.

Vector Status

Economic Crops


This species is a vector of the New York strain of potato yellow dwarf virus in the Eastern United States. Under the name of 'Aceratagallia lyrata (Baker), longula was first reported as a vector of this virus by Black in 1944 [81]. Transmission was effected from diseased crimson clover to healthy crimson clover plants. Details of the transmission tests were not given. Specimens used in the transmission tests in New Jersey were collected from California. Transmission of the virus by longula has not been confirmed by other workers, nor has the species been demonstrated as a vector of other plant viruses.(Nielson 1968)Results of experimental transmission in New Jersey tests suggest that the species is a potentially important vector of potato yellow dwarf virus in the Western United States.(Nielson 1968)

Plant Diseases


Nielson, M. W. 1968b. The leafhopper vectors of phytopathogenic viruses (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Taxonomy, biology and virus transmission.


Aceratagallia Agallinae Cicadellidae Membracoidea North America Potato

Aceratagallia longula van Duzee: Wilson M. R. & Turner J. A. 2021. Insect Vectors of Plant Disease. Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. Available online at [ Accessed:  17/09/2024 ].
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